Well as you can see from the list of places, under my profile picture to the right, that I would like to visit a fairly decent amount of places. It has finally come time to begin planning my vacation. It is sad that the more time that goes by the more people that can’t travel. The traveling group started out with myself, Rob Weidman, Rob Gancarz and Jeremy Hirschhorn. Then Natasha Shields joined the group and then right after that Rob G. dropped out of the group followed shortly by Jeremy. Rob and Jeremy were both supposed to winter down here in McMurdo but they got the call from back in the U.S.A. for a full time job or at least the possibility of one. No hard feels because if I had gotten that call I would have bounced as well, so that left Rob W. Natasha and myself, a solid group if I must say so myself. But now Rob W is going to jam as well, and yes it is for a fulltime job or the possibility of one at least, as well, so that leaved Natasha and myself (moooo-haha-haha my plan is finally coming together).
So the plan is, as of right now… in my head… while I am typing this blog, is to fly to London, since I am ticketed to there, and go from there. We are thinking Stonehenge then off to Paris and Euro Disney, that is right bitches be jealous, then up to the coast and see the D-day beaches before training it to Barcelona. While on the way to or from Barcelona hit up Andorra (one of the five smallest countries in the world-SCotW- that are in Europe) and Monaco (#2 SCoft)then off to Italy. Italy is the place that I would like to see the most so we are going to be hitting up Venice, the sinking city, San Marco (SCotW #3), Florence, Rome and then Pompeii before heading to Greece for a leisure island hoping life style. Then from Greece to Istanbul, Turkey where I will attempt to get my 4th possibly 5th and Natasha’s 7th and last, continent since the city resides in both Eastern Europe and Western Asia, or so says Wikipedia. Then from there fly to Prague, Czech Republic and then train it Germany where we will hit Berlin, Munich and Dusseldorf (spelling I know) before making our way back to London via Liechtenstein (#4 SCotW).
As of right now I am flying from Auckland New Zealand on the 23rd of October and landing in London on the 25th of October. We are planning, as of right now, to be leaving London the 15th of December so that I can have an awesome story to tell the family at the Walsh Family Christmas Party and general booze fest on the 18th of December 2010 in Braintree, Ma. So if your plans will take you to any where in Europe during that time frame, or you always wanted to travel but had nobody to go with drop me a line or telephony call and we can make this happen.

Yea we live life on the edge down here! Thanks Scotty
Stay Frosty
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