Castle Rock is a nice little 2- hour hike from town. While only 2.7 miles, once you get to the trail head it is 2 miles up a gently sloping, snow-covered hill on Ross Island. I have had the pleasure of hiking the trail twice. The first time was at the end of September when it was -40ish outside with 5-10 knot winds bringing the temp down to -50ish. We (team Rob, Jeremy, Shayne Dombrowski, Scott Hiser, Gina Carina and myself) all thought that we could handle the weather. In retrospect we all did handle the weather extremely well. We all had our ECW (extreme cold weather) gear on and had plenty of water and food.
The trail is broken up at the 1 and 2 mile markers by these "apples" which are red emergency shelters that have sleeping bags, a stove and food in them just for use in emergencies. Then you have to hike to the base which is another .5 miles and then ascend the rock for .2 miles of trail. When we did the first hike, Castle Rock wasn't roped, meaning the vertical elevation wasn't stable enough for hikers. So at Apple 2 we turned around and made our way back up the saddle to the 1st apple. The first picture is just leaving the 1st apple walking back toward the trail head so we can make dinner. It was a real nice hike because we still had sun sets and we caught one right as we made it back into town from the trail head (the 2nd picture).
The next pictures are from my last and most current hike up to Castle Rock. On this hike I actually made it all the way to the top. The views are absolutely magnificent. The 3rd picture is of my hiking partner and also one of my personal photographers, Natasha, standing halfway up the actual rock. The picture is real nice since I actually took it with the help of her 30-second camera timer, but it has Mt. Erebus in the background. Mt. Erebus is one of the few open-top volcanos in the world. The 4th picture is of Mt. Erebus again, just unobstructed. The next picture, the 5th, is of the climbing rope that marks the trail going up. The next is me at the bottom of Castle Rock at the trail sign showing the route up. Then there is a picture of the "apple" at mile 2 and then just another picture of the gorgeous background. Then, of course, what can a blog be without a second picture of its host. So, we have a picture of me with Castle Rock in the background about 0.5 miles away.
Well, anyway, time to go. Stay tuned for pictures from The Ross Dependency Beach Party.
Stay Frosty!
The next pictures are from my last and most current hike up to Castle Rock. On this hike I actually made it all the way to the top. The views are absolutely magnificent. The 3rd picture is of my hiking partner and also one of my personal photographers, Natasha, standing halfway up the actual rock. The picture is real nice since I actually took it with the help of her 30-second camera timer, but it has Mt. Erebus in the background. Mt. Erebus is one of the few open-top volcanos in the world. The 4th picture is of Mt. Erebus again, just unobstructed. The next picture, the 5th, is of the climbing rope that marks the trail going up. The next is me at the bottom of Castle Rock at the trail sign showing the route up. Then there is a picture of the "apple" at mile 2 and then just another picture of the gorgeous background. Then, of course, what can a blog be without a second picture of its host. So, we have a picture of me with Castle Rock in the background about 0.5 miles away.
Well, anyway, time to go. Stay tuned for pictures from The Ross Dependency Beach Party.
Stay Frosty!
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